Sean Finley

Sean Finley

Morgan Stanley

What is your connection to the UW Carbone Cancer Center?
My father and grandmother have both gone through cancer treatment through the UW Carbone Cancer Center. After seeing the amazing work and treatment done at UWCCC, I am excited to join the ELB and help in any way I can.

What is your favorite ELB / UWCCC event?
Kickoff For Cancer

What is something interesting about you?
I went to the University of Iowa and cheer for the Hawkeyes. Don’t worry though, I grew up in Madison and still cheer for the Badgers as long as they’re not playing my Hawkeyes.

Where is your favorite vacation spot?
Positano, Italy

Everyone has a guilty pleasure.  What is yours?
I love pizza. As long as it hasn’t been frozen you can count me in for at least a few pieces.