Karla Pinkerton

Karla Pinkerton


What inspired you to get involved with ELB?
In 2014, my late husband was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer that had spread to his lungs and liver. As a young couple expecting our first child, we were at a loss of how to approach this terrible diagnosis. The amazing team at UWCCC put together a plan and the clinicians were like a second family to us throughout our victories and setbacks. We experienced incredibly coordinated care, and despite the outcome, I am beyond grateful for the expertise and support of UWCCC. As a part of ELB, I am looking forward to giving back to an organization that has given so much to my family and others in Wisconsin and beyond.

How have you seen donations directly impact the Cancer Center?
Over the years I have contributed to a variety of fundraisers, and love learning about how the donations are used to impact cancer patients and doctors. One example sticks out in my mind – in 2017, my late husband’s oncologist received a “scholar award” funded by donations, which allowed him to continue his research on enhancing immunotherapy by combining it with precision medicine in hopes of helping a broader scope of patients with colorectal cancer.