Jenni McIntosh

Jenni McIntosh

Baker Tilly

What is your connection to the UW Carbone Cancer Center?
My mentor at Baker Tilly was a founding member of the ELB. She introduced me to the board, and I am excited to help raise awareness of the amazing work being done by the Carbone Cancer Center.

What is your favorite ELB / UWCCC event?
Wine, Woman & Shoes

What is something interesting about you?
I’m slightly obsessed with boxers and strongly believe they are the best dog breed ever. If you’re ever in need of some joy, just spend a day with a boxer! I have an 8-year-old boxer named Baxter and he loves attending my zoom calls when I’m working from home.

Where is your favorite vacation spot?
Anywhere with a beach. Salt life or lake life, I love the water.

Everyone has a guilty pleasure.  What is yours?
Binge watching shows on Netflix. Always looking for new recommendations.