Aly Catacutan

Aly Catacutan

Destination Madison

What is your connection to the UW Carbone Cancer Center?
After going through my own cancer journey, I wanted to do something special for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In October 2022, I had the opportunity to brew a pink beer and donate a portion of the sales to a local organization of my choosing. The UW Carbone Cancer Center was highly recommended, so I got connected with Janie and coordinated with her on the donations of the beer proceeds. Working with Janie, I learned a lot about all of the amazing work that the UWCCC does and I wanted to find a way to be more involved and help in any capacity I could.

What is your favorite ELB / UWCCC event?
Looking forward to Trivia Night!

What is something interesting about you?
In 2023 I traveled out of the country for the first time EVER and explored 3 different countries within the span of 6 months.

Where is your favorite vacation spot?
Anywhere with mountains and great hiking.

Everyone has a guilty pleasure.  What is yours?
I would eat Taco Bell every day if I could.